10 ideas to leverage Storify for your business

storifyStorify is a social platform that allows users to pull elements from across the web to generate interesting and authentic stories. Mainly used in the past by media to capture news updates, commentary, recaps and interactions, Storify is picking up speed and quickly becoming a useful tool for B2B communication.

What type of content can be curated in a Storify story? You can easily pull in tweets, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Flickr images and other elements from Google. Having the ability to capture posts from a handful of social media platforms allows users to showcase chatter and images that relate to their brand or an event in one single place. Also, users can type commentary, titles and descriptions with each element, aiding the art of storytelling. Not to mention, once complete, these montages can be shared through hyperlinks and with embedded code.

If you can’t picture how Storify works, check out some of our favorite examples from The Today Show, USA Today, Fast Company and New York Times.

Today Show Storify

Like all other online tools, Storify is continually evolving and updating features. Recently, Storify added a Storify Business option that provides more customization possibilities and additional benefits. Paid Storify Business users can make stories private, more accurately analyze results, receive real-time updates, include CSS styling with custom story displays, access enhanced technical support and display ad-free stories.

We find the private story option the most intriguing. This capability offers endless possibilities for internal communication enhancement. Companies can easily capture online chatter – negative or positive – and display visually for heightened discussion.

Other ideas for leveraging Storify for your business include:

  1. Event recaps
  2. Crowdsourcing
  3. Social clipping reports
  4. Social contest entry tracking
  5. Award submission compilation
  6. Visual timelines
  7. Presentations
  8. Tradeshows
  9. Customer service tracking (private)
  10. Crisis communication tracking (private)

Do you have any additional ideas for using Storify? Share them below in the comments!

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