3 B2B Content Marketing Tips for Your Brand

Content marketing is an extremely important marketing method that we continue to hear a lot of buzz on, especially when it comes to search engine optimization, thought leadership and social media. There are an infinite number of sources pushing out content about a variety of topics, making it hard to differentiate your brand. Staying up-to-date on your content marketing skills and the latest trends will help you to effectively position your brand among all the noise.

The Marketing Works team recently participated in a Marketing Profs virtual conference about all things content marketing. We gained valuable insights on keeping clients engaged, why less content leads to bigger results, and future trends in search engine optimization and how they might influence content distribution. Key takeaways from the virtual conference include:

1. Differentiate your brand by creating a unique hook.
Do something totally different than what your competitors do. For example, Trish Witkowski, founder of Fold Factory, posts weekly YouTube videos where she demonstrates fold designs from audience submissions. While doing so, she always wears a t-shirt with a clever saying on it that resonates with her viewers. People now anticipate the next fold of the week and are purchasing her catchy t-shirts. When trying to determine a unique hook for your brand ask yourself “What will draw clients to your brand and make them remember you?”

When businesses are searching for a new client to work with, they aren’t drawn to just another average Joe business model. They want to form a relationship with a business that proves to differentiate from its competitors. Try crafting a creative slogan or implementing a distinctive feature to set your brand apart.

2. Responsive content is more influential than Responsive Web Design (RWD).
Have you ever thought of the influence that responsive content on your website has versus the design you use? Content that is contextually relevant to your audience is crucial to providing beneficial information. Make sure the content you are posting is aligned with your clients’ needs and content on various outlets are used for different purposes.

For instance, Jeff MacGurn from Covario shared that tablet users are more likely to search for content that includes customer reviews, ratings and promotions. Mobile app users demand information accuracy, geographical tools and often search for price. It is important to adjust your content to provide what the end user is looking for depending on the source.

3. Local search continues to have heavy influence.
Local search is rapidly evolving and so is the way that your brand will appear when a person searches for a key phrase. One new implementation of local search are carousels, horizontal displays of images at the top of a search engine. You might have seen these when searching for nearby restaurants. Soon these will appear for other industries, making it imperative that you properly enhance your online presence.

Based on more feedback from Jeff MacGurn, we can share some insight on how to properly enhance your business’ online presence for this specific search result. Carousels rank results based on various elements such as category description, costs, images, and customer reviews.  When carousels begin to apply to your industry (healthcare professionals, we are looking at you!) keep these tips in mind.


What are some B2B content marketing tips you’ve came across recently? Share them in the comments section below!

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