3 Important Elements Your Statement of Qualifications Needs

Your unique position in the ever-evolving energy industry depends on how you communicate your expertise and experience. To effectively portray your credibility and capabilities to potential clients, a statement of qualifications (SOQ) is essential and characteristically expected.

Best Choice Statement of Qualification

When producers look to identify a new partner they typically seek information on experience, capacity, personnel, current activity and other project pertinent information. What you deliver to prospects in an SOQ should aim to answer all of these key points in a clear, professional and appealing way. Whether a prospect is looking into a new sustainable solution or needs sensors and equipment to tackle deepwater siting and exploration, they’ll want to know your specs and qualifications first.

Before you submit your next SOQ or project proposal, make sure it includes these three important elements:

WHY: Why your company? Your business differentiators should be showcased in your SOQ and be the first credentials communicated to prospects.  Your competitive advantage should be clear, distinct and backed up with real statistics. Do you have a long standing history? Do you employ industry experts? Has your firm won awards for innovation? Ensure that prospects see these elements and understand their importance.

WHAT: What does your company do to help clients achieve their goals? Make sure you clearly define all your services, specialties and capabilities. If possible, tailor these to your target audience so they can see how your business fits with theirs.

HOW: How does your company prove its success? Your list of services is little without proof of engagement. Prospects want to see who you have worked for, what you have done for them and the results you’ve delivered. Case studies, key project listings and testimonials are the best way to demonstrate your success and prove your validity. Include details and positive examples throughout.

When communicating with potential clients or responding to a project bid, an SOQ will be an essential part of your marketing and sales toolkit. Including elements that clearly address the why, what and how of your business will help to position your company as credible, professional and capable.

What other elements does your business find valuable to include in its SOQ? Please share your ideas with us in the comments below.

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