4 Key Insights for Service Providers in the Oil & Gas Industry

Attracting oil and gas companies to your business hinges upon your reputation.  That is one of the observations that came out of research Marketing Works recently completed.

Crafting your message begins with finding out what matters most to your audience. Potential business prospects vary upon different needs and challenges, so it is important to position your business based on their demands. Understanding what businesses within the oil and gas industry look for when choosing a service provider will help your ability to craft an effective message.

Address these 4 key insights in your marketing messages when trying to attract potential business within the oil and gas industry:

1. Maintain a reliable and honest reputation – reliability to oil and gas companies means you must have an established track record of high- quality service and results.

2. Communication is nothing without the skill set – you can’t talk the talk without walking the walk, right? It’s important to prove your credibility within the industry by being the best at what you do.

3. Propose the right long-term relationship – building long-term relationships are great, but be passionate about your commitment to their company by staying on top of solving their problems.

4. Be specialized, yet innovative – in order to provide oil and gas companies the best service, you need to be specific to their needs and challenges and become well versed in their evolving technologies.

These insights reveal the importance of crafting a message, and that there are specific qualities oil and gas companies look for in potential business partners. Working proactively by identifying specific expectations will increase the effectiveness of your messaging.

What other messaging insights do you feel are important to include? Please contact us or comment below!



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