A Fresh Chapter

Hi everyone! My name is Alie Intihar and I am delighted to announce that I am the newest Marketing Works Intern! I could not be more grateful for this opportunity to learn through value-driven, diligent, and family-oriented mentors to help further my knowledge in the Marketing industry.

I am excited to begin this journey among an unprecedented time and grow as a person and Marketer over the summer. This is my first “real world” experience and I hope to soak up as much information, tactics, and organizational methods from the team as possible. My goals include:

  • Exploring my creativity
  • Expanding my research capabilities
  • Truly understanding the processes of a Digital Marketing Firm
  • Solidify that Marketing is the path that I’m meant to be in

How would I like to contribute this summer? I would like to grow Marketing Works’ social media presence through my experience of running the Dublin Business Academy’s Twitter and Instagram pages and through my creativity with graphic design websites like Canva. I am passionate about delivering to people what they want and need and can’t wait to get involved.

Outside of school and work I enjoy playing volleyball, softball, basketball, and almost any other sport. I love hanging out with my friends, my family and my two dogs!

Thank you again to Marketing Works for this incredible opportunity to learn and develop as a marketer over the summer, I can’t wait to get started!

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