Client Spotlight: Finance Fund

Finance Fund helps grow communities across Ohio with its nonstop government funding efforts.

A statewide nonprofit financial intermediary located in Columbus, Finance Fund engages in creative approaches to build bridges between capital markets and economically distressed communities. Founded in 1987, clients include community-based nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses serving low-income communities throughout Ohio.

Finance Fund has invested more than $96 million in housing, economic development and childcare projects throughout Ohio, leveraging more than $760 million and benefiting the lives of more than 116,000 Ohioans.

Dedicated to creating opportunities, Finance Fund provides funding and resources to support associations that help low-and moderate-income families and communities. Currently, the nonprofit has $30 million in New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) available for non-metropolitan county development projects. One recent New Markets success story is the Ohio Basic Minerals facility revitalization in Jackson, Ohio. Finance Fund provided $2.45 million in renovations which has spurred the creation of 30 jobs over the next three years. For more on this success story, read more here.

Another NMTC project, the Save-a-Lot Grocery store on Columbus’ Near East Side, came to life with a loan of $1 million from Finance Fund. The project created jobs and access to affordable groceries for a neighborhood of approximately 25,000 people. To read more Finance Fund success stories about these and other projects, click here .

To learn more about Finance Fund and its offerings, visit, follow on Twitter or read their blog .

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