Congratulations to Finance Fund!

We are proud to announce that Finance Fund has received $50 million in New Markets Tax Credit funding from the U.S. Department of Treasury! A long-time Marketing Works client, Finance Fund is a statewide organization that connects Ohio’s distressed urban and rural communities to funding resources that create and sustain jobs and improve quality of life.

This is the organization’s fifth round of New Markets funding and a 150% increase over the award it received in 2008. Finance Fund has previously received $75 million in New Markets Tax Credits, which it has leveraged to spark $212.2 million in funding – resulting in an investment in 26 projects.

The impact this funding has on all Ohioans is truly remarkable – leading to creation of more than 1,249 full-time jobs, 1,467 construction jobs, safe child care for 536 children and 431 units of for-sale housing.

Learn more about Finance Fund at! And, follow them on Twitter at @financefund.

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