Getting the most out of your Facebook Page

Just when I thought I knew all there was to know about Facebook marketing, a recent Facebook marketing webinar I sat in on, made me realize that I’ve only scratched the surface.

The webinar, The Ultimate Facebook Makeover: How to Turn Your Facebook Page into a Client-Generating Money Magnet, was led by Amy Porterfield, a social media strategist and co-author of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies. She presented a lot of great information, tips, tools, etc., but what stood out to me the most were her 12 Facebook marketing mistakes (aka: “The Dirty Dozen”).

But rather than list them all here, I would like to share only the ones that stood out to me the most:

1) There is a difference between a profile and a page, but you need both.

  1. Profile = personal persona
  2. Page = business persona (engage, promote, sell)

2) Don’t forget to link!

When you have both a profile and a page, it’s important to remember to link the two. One good way to do this is from “About” in your profile. Under “Current Place You Work”, include a link to your Facebook page.

3) Communicate with followers.

Check daily to see who has been writing on your wall by clicking “Highlights” and “Posts by Others” under custom applications. This will help you see if there are any worthy of responding to. If so, be sure to respond at least once a day.

Engage customers on Facebook

4) Have a timeline strategy.

Facebook continues to enhance their features and the newest update is the timeline with a cover photo. One good way to get the most out of this is to have a couple cover photos ready to go: (1) create a static, generic cover photo to use when business is steady; (2) create a cover photo with a call-to-action when you have something new to sell/talk about.

Great facebook cover photo

5) Create strategic, custom apps.

Creating apps with catchy titles for your page can only add to your success on Facebook. They act as call-to-action buttons that engage your followers. For example, if you have a white paper you want to promote, you can create an app called “XYZ Whitepaper – Free!” and have it link to a contact form that users fill out to obtain your white paper.

A couple of online tools that will help you create customized apps for your Facebook page are and

6) Don’t ignore your “Insights”.

Insight statistics are a great way to see which of your posts get the most—or least amount of response from your followers. Are they sharing your posts, videos, photos, etc.? Or are they by-passing it? To monitor your Insights, go to your “Admin Panel” and click “See All” then “Insights” and you can scroll to see all of your past posts and whether people were sharing, ignoring or commenting on them. This will help you make adjustments with the content of your future posts.

important facebook insights

What are some things you do to make sure your company Facebook page is outstanding? Tell us about them in the comments.

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