How a multifaceted viral campaign can differentiate an organization

A recent public relations campaign Marketing Works led on behalf of Farsite Group was mentioned within the October issue of Columbus CEO Magazine. The article features how the Columbus-based data analytics firm used big data to forecast the 2013 Oscar winners. Throughout Oscar season, different ways to look at the predictions were made and posted onto a dedicated blog. Posts varied from propensity to win based on time, budget, age and even fashion.

Marketing Works then promoted the predictions through a targeted national media and social outreach campaign that wound up in securing coverage from outlets including Forbes and USA Today as well as significant buzz on Twitter.

Oscar predictions

This is a great example of how a viral campaign can generate visibility and credibility in a highly competitive market such as big data. By securing highly visible coverage, driving social conversations and simultaneously generating unique content, an organization can break through the clutter and differentiate itself from the competition.

Read the article on Farsite here.

What are your ideas for promoting a viral campaign in a competitive market? Let us know in the comments!

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