Leader of the Pack Part 2: How your company can benefit from thought leadership

After differentiating the misconceptions from the definition in part 1, we will now discuss the potential value thought leadership can offer your company. The value your company gets out of thought leadership is directly proportional to the effort you put forth. With dedication and consistency, your company can anticipate the following:

Thought Leadership

  1. Strategic differentiation – Competition is inevitable in any market. Sure, each company has its differentiators related to their service or product, but thought leadership can take it to the next level.
  2. Entry point to relationship – Thought leadership provides a company with the ability to prospect. Identify new leads and catch their attention with your provocative and relevant thoughts!
  3. Help close sale for current prospects – Showing a clear dedication to the industry and collaboration on its toughest problems can convince a prospect that they should hire you.
  4. Retain clients, interest them in new services – Reinforce your client’s decision to work with you by continuing to answer questions, find solutions and provide insight through thought leadership.
  5. B2B-specific – The thought leader can spec out the contract to their competitive advantage. If the contractor has demonstrated unique capabilities, a competitive bid might be skipped altogether.

It is important to take a look at a variety of opportunities and determine which ones would create the best ROI for your company. While there are endless opportunities to consider, here are a few from a recent Marketing Works brainstorm to get you started:

  • Speaking Engagements – Panel discussions, Workshops
  • Writing an article
  • Blogging
  • Networking
  • Board positions
  • Webinars
  • White papers
  • Infographics
  • Research & Surveys
  • Online groups – LinkedIn

And on a final note, it is always best to remember that effective thought leadership is a result of consistent, cumulative efforts. Thought leadership isn’t a designation that can be earned overnight. It takes time to consistently present strong leadership and gain the respect of your industry.

What other opportunities have you used to promote thought leadership? Let us know by leaving a comment!

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