One Chapter Ends, a New One Begins

team-picIt’s hard to believe that my Marketing Works internship is coming to a close. I’ve learned so much during my time as an intern, yet I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. But fortunately, I get to continue my journey with Marketing Works as their newest account coordinator!

Three months ago, I had no agency experience whatsoever, and being a PR major, I had a lot to learn about marketing. Everyone told me that I would learn more in my first year at an agency than I would throughout my four years of college – and they weren’t kidding.

My first day at Marketing Works, I had more industry terms thrown at me than I knew what to do with – KPI, SOW, white papers, CAP2, CX, etc., it was like a foreign language. One of the challenging things about agency life is that you really do have to be thrown into it to understand it. There’s no Agency 101 to teach you all of the things you need to know, and so it was a true test to see if I could handle this type of work environment.

It taught me that I’m adaptable and can think on my feet much better than I thought I could. I’m better at multitasking, organizing and prioritizing than I ever thought possible. Now, I (try to) look at interruptions/hitches at work as challenges to overcome rather than something that will throw me completely off track.

When I started my internship, I thought I wanted to learn more about social media and media relations. As it turns out, those things aren’t really for me. I get more fulfillment from working on strategy and messaging or helping with our pro-bono accounts. I’m thankful that Marketing Works gave me the opportunity to explore different areas of the field and gave me a chance to find what works best for me.

I’m very excited to continue my journey with Marketing Works after this internship ends. I know this company has and will continue to give me a strong foundation for my career. I’m thankful that I was given the opportunity to work with a team – or better yet, family – that truly lives and breathes their core values:  We get it. We do what it takes. We do the right thing. We care.

If my experience as an account coordinator is half as great as my internship was, I’ll be truly satisfied.