
4 Reasons Effective Communication is a Highly Marketable Skill

Communication is everywhere. Whenever you’re working with others, every interaction is a form of communication. Whether you’re presenting an idea, asking a question, sharing a Tweet or sending an email, it’s important that your message comes across the way you intend. Communication remains a highly desirable skill regardless of what career you are in. No matter

4 Reasons Effective Communication is a Highly Marketable Skill Learn More »

3 Important Elements Your Statement of Qualifications Needs

Your unique position in the ever-evolving energy industry depends on how you communicate your expertise and experience. To effectively portray your credibility and capabilities to potential clients, a statement of qualifications (SOQ) is essential and characteristically expected. When producers look to identify a new partner they typically seek information on experience, capacity, personnel, current activity

3 Important Elements Your Statement of Qualifications Needs Learn More »

4 Key Insights for Service Providers in the Oil & Gas Industry

Attracting oil and gas companies to your business hinges upon your reputation.  That is one of the observations that came out of research Marketing Works recently completed. Crafting your message begins with finding out what matters most to your audience. Potential business prospects vary upon different needs and challenges, so it is important to position

4 Key Insights for Service Providers in the Oil & Gas Industry Learn More »

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