The Future of Emerging Technology


Technology continues to advance and Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are becoming a key part of improving the overall experience and outcomes of different industries. And, in order to be successful, it’s important to stay current on state-of-the-art technologies and understanding their capabilities. Our team got to see firsthand how this technology works, thanks to Mark Armbrust, Sales Executive for Holopundits, who brought this technology into our office! We wanted to share this exciting technology with all of you, so we tapped into Mark’s expertise with a few questions.


MW: To you, what does the future look like for augmented reality?

Mark: The future looks very bright for AR. In fact, Digi-Capital reports that by 2021 AR and VR will be a $120 billion industry. Also, International Data Corporation predicts that by 2021, 25 million AR headsets will be sold in the United States. There will be over one billion users of AR in the world by this time. Get ready, the wave is coming!


MW: What industries does AR offer practical applications?

Mark: Any industry can benefit from AR applications but some of the early adopters of this technology in enterprise are coming from healthcare, education and manufacturing. We’re also receiving inquiries from the insurance, engineering, construction and architecture industries.


MW: Can you explain the difference between AR, MR and VR?

Mark: Sure. There are a lot of different terms being discussed so here are our definitions of AR/MR/VR:

  • Augmented Reality: A real-world environment whose elements are supplemented by computer-generated sound, video, graphics and data. Used mostly on mobile devices. Think – Pokémon Go!
  • Mixed Reality: The merging of real and virtual worlds to produce an immersive environment where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact. You’re able to see the world around you while interacting with holograms in front of you.
  • Virtual Reality: An immersive, digitally-created environment, which can be explored and interacted by users to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions. Common headsets include Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Playstation VR. VR is very popular in the gaming industry.


MW: What benefits/ solutions can AR provide companies?

Mark: There are many benefits/solutions AR can provide, in particular a 360 degree view. We have grouped them into four general categories for enterprise:

  • Training: AR facilitates quicker assimilation of presented material, allows for sharing between the instructor and students in the classroom or remotely and is more collaborative than other forms of training.
  • Field Service: Using the HoloLens enables experts to remotely assist with maintenance in the field through a “first person point of view.” In addition, MR is ideal for helping to manage assets in the field (example: the department of transportation can keep track of the age of bridges, signs, barriers, etc. by tracking them geographically).
  • Analysis: Holographic 3D data visualization enhanced by real time data integration are two important benefits that mixed reality can provide.
  • Sales & Marketing: Virtual tours, lead generation and use at trade shows highlight AR/MR sales and marketing benefits.


MW: Why is this a passion of yours?

Mark: I love emerging technologies and how organizations use them to solve problems and gain competitive advantages. AR and MR are going to change the future of business.


MW: What does it look like to work with an emerging technology company such as yours [holopundits]?

Mark: To keep up on the rapid industry changes, we’re constantly advancing technologically while also learning the latest industry trends and researching new suppliers. Our goal, which is consistent no matter how the industry changes, is to develop world class applications while delivering the best customer experience. Finally, there is incredible excitement around lots of technology advancements going on right now that are all converging including artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning and the internet of things (IoT).


MW: Why should a brand experiment with these state-of-the-art technologies?

Mark: Brands should be researching their own uses for augmented, mixed and virtual reality applications because they will be used in your industry very soon if they aren’t already. For a period of time, there will be competitive advantages for the brands that experiment and use these technologies effectively.  AR and MR can solve problems where there was no previous solution especially by making data more useful, improving processes and increasing customer/employee engagement thereby strengthening brand positions.


MW: How do you know if AR is right for my brand?

Mark: AR, MR and VR is right for your brand if it is the right technology tool for your critical use cases. The first step is to see, understand and be aware of augmented and mixed reality and consider using it to solve your challenges. Consult with companies and people knowledgeable about AR/MR to get started in this process.


MW: What are the opportunities AR has for marketers?

Mark: AR/MR/VR are additional tools you now have access to that can accomplish things you couldn’t achieve in the past. For example, by upgrading your existing company app with AR and promoting it to all current users, you can not only increase engagement but also create a more enjoyable user experience while driving additional sales revenue. Marketers can also enrich printed material with AR and create some cool user experiences.


MW: How can you measure the success of using AR?

Mark: Great question! Boeing recently asked themselves this very question and set up an “AR Effectiveness Study” with 50 people. In a controlled environment, Boeing had people put together a new assembly, some with AR assistance and some without. They found that with AR assistance, their quality went up by 90% and their cycle times were reduced by 30%!


You can try AR and MR and then test its effectiveness by setting up your own study or simply by asking employees or customers who use it how it has impacted their experiences. At trade shows, visitor attendance and lead generation can be measured when AR/MR is used. Customer engagement can be tracked with AR on mobile apps when the app is opened.








Have we piqued your interest? Contact us today to schedule your own personal demo so you can experience the technology for yourself!

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