Tips for Achieving Successful Content Strategy

social media planningMore often than not, businesses lack a formal content calendar for platforms such as social media, blogs, websites, etc. Typically businesses either don’t understand the purpose and value of a content calendar, they don’t have the in-house resources to create and manage this calendar, or both. The consequence results in last minute scrambling to put content out there just for the sake of having an online presence.

A successful content marketing plan should be well-thought out and strategic. Sporadic communication can actually do more harm than good. By not communicating regularly and providing valuable, relevant content, you risk losing your band of followers and “fans.”

An experienced, strategic-minded marketing partner can help educate businesses on the importance of a content calendar as well as what goes in to creating and implementing one.

In addition to being reviewed and updated at least once a quarter, a content calendar should include:

  • A list of business- and/or industry-related news and events. In order to grow your online presence, it is imperative that content stays current and relevant for different audiences.
  • A list of “evergreen” topics. These topics don’t change with time and can come in handy in the event your business experiences some “down time” and can include: trivia, contests, testimonials, photos, tips, discount offers (if applicable), etc.
  • Who is responsible for writing the content? The benefits of knowing who is responsible for writing the content include better overall planning and team accountability.
  • The publishing deadline. Knowing when content needs to be completed and published helps the team plan ahead, resulting in a more efficient process.
  • A breakdown of topics by “channel” or “audience.” What might be appropriate for one audience may not be relevant to another. For example, if you post content on Twitter, the same topic may sound completely foreign and irrelevant if you post on say, LinkedIn.

While it’s necessary to talk about news and events as they happen, having a content calendar gives your business something to talk about during the down times. This in turn keeps your communication lines open, consistent and relevant.

Does your business currently have a strategic content calendar in place? Has your business been recently struggling with regular communication? We can help! Contact us today.

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