Turn Your Expertise into a Business Asset with Knowledge Marketing

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On any given day Google receives 3.5 billion search requests; in a year, 1.2 trillion. Does your business capitalize on this by standing out as a potential source for information and knowledge? In today’s information-driven society, your knowledge and expertise could be the one thing separating you from your competitors.

Our latest white paper, Turn Your Expertise into a Business Asset with Knowledge Marketing, provides insight on the value of knowledge marketing, how it differs from traditional thought leadership and ways to put it to use for your organization.

So what is knowledge marketing? It is demonstrating an organization’s knowledge and expertise by consistently delivering the right content to the right audience at the right time using the right online and offline channels.

How can knowledge marketing translate to sales for your business? Companies that promote their knowledge and expertise:

  • Experience 7.8 times higher growth, year-over-year
  • Generate 3 times as many leads
  • Save up to 62 percent over traditional marketing efforts
  • Get more visibility and credibility than their competitors
  • Receive maximum ROI from their media relations strategy

The bottom line is that knowledge marketing is a fantastic tool for converting your expertise into an asset. However, keep in mind that developing thought leadership or buying a robust content marketing tool without an integrated strategy will not maximize your marketing budget.

That’s exactly why it’s time for B2B marketers to begin transitioning to the knowledge marketing approach.

To start putting knowledge marketing to work for your business, download a complimentary copy of our white paper.



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