Webinars Part 2: 3 Tips to Plan a Successful Webinar


How do you create an audience for your webinar? Reaching your audience directly through email or social media are most common ways to drum up interest in your webinar. By attaching a link, recipients can easily access your webinar and participate. Once you’ve targeted your audience, it’s time to prep. Here are 3 tips to planning a successful webinar:

  1. Plan ahead. To host a successful webinar, there is a great deal of planning involved. Preparation time may vary, but plan on spending at least 2 months preparing. After choosing a topic, determine your angle and assemble a team of people to bring it all together. You are going to need the three P’s: a producer, a promoter and a presenter to set your plan in motion.
  2. Pick a day that has high participation. Your audience is likely as busy as you are, so it is important to pick a day that tends to have high participation. According to a white paper from ON24, “ON24 Benchmark Report,” webinars held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday tend to have the highest participation, while Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday webinars have the lowest participation.
  3. Have an engaging title. Your title is your chance to catch your audience’s eye. Whether your webinar promotions are on a sidebar of a website or through email, you have one chance to pique your audience’s interest. Your topic should be addressed clearly in your title, but also make it enticing for your audience. If you are promoting your webinar through email, your subject line should grab your audience’s attention immediately.

Have you hosted a webinar? Let us know what worked for you in the comments!

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