Teaming up with Children’s Hunger Alliance

Did you know that there are about 500,000 children in Ohio who are threatened by hunger or poor nutrition?

The problem is a preventable one, and something that Children’s Hunger Alliance (CHA) is working to resolve. Its mission is important, and all of us at Marketing Works are thrilled to have CHA as a new client to help work toward its goals.

Children’s Hunger Alliance is a statewide nonprofit agency that started in 1970 with a single volunteer and a $2,000 grant, and 40 years later, still has the same goal: to end childhood hunger in Ohio. CHA also is taking on childhood obesity through an exciting new initiative with partners The American Dairy Association Mideast (ADA) and Ohio Action For Healthy Kids.

CHA offers several opportunities to help achieve its mission, with one of our favorites being Menu of the Month! Be sure to visit Graffiti Burger during October where a portion of all burgers sold will benefit Ohio’s kids. Read more here about other opportunities to end childhood hunger in Ohio with CHA.

We’re so excited to be working with Children’s Hunger Alliance- what an inspiring organization!