10 Topics to get your Company Blogging

Why Blogging is More Essential Now than Ever Before

We spoke briefly last week about the importance of blogs with the development of Google Instant. Now that Google is returning your search queries instantly, blogs are being pulled to the top of the search results- even before your company website. This evolution explains why blogs have become an indispensible part of your company’s communications.

Having trouble getting started? We found a great post by fellow blogger Chris Brogan with 50 topics to get your creative writing juices flowing. Here are our top 10 ideas:

  1. Ten reasons why our company is unique. Do you agree?
  2. The next two years: how our company will grow with you.
  3. What it’s like to work for our company.
  4. How we handle your disputes or complaints.
  5. Why we like our competitor’s product better, and how we will catch up.
  6. Vendors that serve us so we can best serve you.
  7. How corporate responsibility saved us $3 million last year.
  8. Five Promises we’ve kept over the last few years.
  9. What we look for in our leadership.
  10. A customer profile

Finance Fund, one of our clients, writes a great blog covering several of the topics above. Check out one of our favorites here. Whatever your company, your services, your products or your goals− blogging is one of the most beneficial means of communication you can do on behalf of your company!

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