4 Tips to Ensure a Healthy Labor Day

As the unofficial end to summer, Labor Day usually means backyard barbecues, swimming pools and classic American food for most people celebrating the holiday. It’s been around since the 1880s, created with the idea of honoring American workers, and in 1882 New York City held its first Labor Day Parade. So as you gear up to enjoy your well-deserved holiday break, be aware of these tips to guarantee you’ll have a safe and happy Labor Day.

Labor Day

  1. Wear Sunscreen – It’s not unusual for people to have one last big summer blowout today, as they say goodbye to summer and get ready to greet fall. But with temperatures still averaging in the 80s you don’t want to end up with nothing but sunburns after a long day of celebrating. The American Academy of Dermatology advises you apply a sunscreen generously every two hour- your skin will thank you for it later!
  2. Watch What You Eat – Easier said than done, right? With plenty of home cooked entrees and delicious desserts it can be tempting to overindulge. Whether you’re on a diet or simply don’t want to end up with an upset stomach later on, eating everything in moderation is a simple way to make sure you’ll still be feeling great by the day’s end. Check out the Center for Disease Control for more information on healthy nutrition.
  3. Drink Water – Another part of being in the hot sun outside means you’ll get dehydrated much more quickly. And depending on where you’re going, the CDC offers tips to ensure you’re drinking from a safe water system. Don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking water regularly, especially if you’re enjoying a lot of salty or sweet food.
  4. Stay Active – Whatever your plans, you may be walking around mingling or planting yourself in a chair for the afternoon while you chat with family and friends. Regardless, staying active will help you feel better after a big meal and a busy day. You can try doing your workout in the morning before the festivities start, and then after dinner or lunch take a longer walk to work off some of what you ate. The U.S. Department of Health and Labor offers great tips to integrate staying active in your every day routine.

What will you be doing to celebrate the holiday? Let us know in the comments below!