5 Ways Personality Tests Help You Get the Most Out of Your Team

You don’t have to be ambidextrous to be able to write with either hand.  Most people can do it.  But using your dominant hand is definitely more productive.  Try this simple exercise:  with writing instrument in your dominant hand, sign your name.  Now, switch hands and sign your name with your other hand.

“It felt like a seizure.” “Very awkward.” “Time consuming.”  “Required more thought and effort.” “Stressful.”  “Unproductive.” That’s how the Marketing Works team described this John Hancock experiment.   We all agreed that we wouldn’t last very long in a company that required us to work outside our natural preferences.

This was the first step in exploring, understanding, and accepting each other’s personality. There are many tools available that can be used to start the dialogue.  We used Companies Are People Too ® (CAP2) which is based on the dimensions of personality developed by Myers and Briggs.

The key take aways from sharing our personality assessment results were:

  1. Our team is comprised of individuals with unique personalities and preferences.
  2. Accepting each other’s differences makes us appreciate and even seek out other points of view (rather than judging them).
  3. We now know what each team member needs from the rest of us to function at their highest potential.
  4. Understanding stressors (our own and others’) prevents situations that impact productivity.
  5. Stepping out of our comfort zone is easier when we feel understood and supported.

The Marketing Works team frequently participates in a variety of events, like weekly team lunches, Shadowbox, Clippers games, and Trivia nights. But the personality assessment exercise enabled us to get to know each other on a more personal level. We gained a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and preferred work styles. We enhanced our company’s communication, understanding, and patience with each other. Since our meeting we have found more effective ways to work together and how to appeal to each other’s working styles. It was truly beneficial to not only gain a stronger self-awareness, but an understanding of our co-workers’ personality traits and qualities. The CAP2 exercise helped to enhance Marketing Works’ team dynamic.

Marketing Works Team

Do you know what your personality preferences are, and how they differ from the rest of your team?  Check out the free personality assessment provided by CAP2. Let us know your results in the comments section!

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