Thanksgiving is…

thanksgiving, turkey, clip art… spending time with family, cooking and enjoying a home-made meal. It is Snoopy flying high above the streets of New York during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.  Thanksgiving is watching football all day long regardless of what team is playing. It is devising a shopping strategy for the upcoming holiday season and most importantly, Black Friday sales. For some, Thanksgiving is traveling to the relatives and hoping to avoid all the traffic. For others, it is deciding to deep fry the turkey and hoping not to burn down the house. Over time, Thanksgiving has taken on many different meanings but most importantly, it is about giving thanks for the blessings in our lives.

So, regardless of your plans this Thanksgiving season—be that volunteering at a food pantry, stringing holiday lights outside, or attempting to bake your very first pumpkin pie—take a moment to recognize what you are thankful for. Whether you are a client, a friend, or simply a follower, Marketing Works would like to thank you for all your support. Without you we would not be as successful as we are today!

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday.

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