3 Employee Engagement Tips to Boost Morale in the Workplace

According to Gallup, only 30 percent of the U.S. workforce is engaged in their work. What does this mean for your employee morale? Less productivity, less motivation and less satisfaction for employees. When your workforce lacks these fundamentals for producing good work, your company lacks – well, talent. Creating an inviting culture that engages your employees is an important element when it comes to boosting employee morale.

Here are three approaches to employee engagement that will help boost the morale of employees:

Embracing friendship in the workplace – Research by Gallup shows that close friendships with co-workers boost employee satisfaction by 50 percent. ZappoZappos' teams is a great example of one company that values employee engagement. They put an emphasis on their team, family, as it is embedded within one of their core values, “We watch out for each other, care for each other, and go above and beyond for each other because we believe in each other and we trust each other.” They not only treat each other like family, but they spend time with each other outside of work, “We work together, but we also play together. Our bonds go far beyond the typical “co-worker” relationships found at most other companies.” Encouraging friendships among the team at work can make the workplace a more welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for employees.

All work no play – wait what? – Who said you can’t make work fun? According to Make Their Day, 90 percent of employees value employee moralea fun work environment. Google is without a doubt known for their fun corporate culture, “Our offices and cafes are designed to encourage interactions between Googlers within and across teams, and to spark conversation about work as well as play.” They pride themselves on a culture that incorporates fun in the workplace for their creative talent. And you don’t have to be Google to have fun at work. Encourage team outings, monthly potlucks or even a, “bring your dog to work day” to loosen up your team and promote a fun place to work.  Marketing Works likes to host a monthly potluck in the office and also takes the team out for fun – to the ballpark, bowling or even the comedy club to share some laughs.

Recognize good work – Another fact that emerges from Make Their Day is that 83 percent of employees appreciate recognition more than gifts or rewards. While it is great to offer incentives and benefits,employee morale nothing beats the power of a simple “thank you” or a personal recognition of great work. When you engage your employees through positive feedback, they are more motivated and feel like they are a valuable part of the team. For example, Marketing Works creates a culture that values the work of each other with a strong focus on “what we’re doing right” as a team as well as individually. There is always praise for good work as well a “thank you” for appreciation of someone else’s hard work.

It’s as simple as a hand written note or a one-on-one conversation.

It takes an engaged workforce to produce talent that is productive, motivated and satisfied. Try embracing friendship among the team, incorporating a fun environment and praising the hard work of your employees to keep them engaged and their spirits high.

Some of our team at the Columbus Clippers Game!

Marketing Works team

How does your company encourage engagement in the workplace? Please share your insights on employee morale with us by commenting below!




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