3 Ways Using Twitter Analytics Can Help Shape Your Strategy



Twitter Analytics are finally here! Similar to Google Analytics and Facebook Insights, Twitter now offers a way for you to see how successful your tweets are among your audience. With Twitter Analytics, you can measure your follower growth, audience engagement, impressions and demographic. Once you review all of this data, it is important to put it to use. Here are three ways to use your Twitter Analytics to shape your strategy:

  1.  Understand your audience. Twitter provides a breakdown of your audience based on location, most common interests, most unique interests and gender. Understanding your audience will help you to tailor your posts. If your audience is primarily out of state, it may not be beneficial to discuss local news in the majority of your posts. On the other hand, if you do have a large audience within your city, including local news and updates can help engage them. Twitter also provides the top accounts your followers follow. Having this information will help give you an idea of the type of posts they are interested in seeing.
  2. Determine when your audience is most active on Twitter. Twitter organizes your data into easy-to-use tables. When you look at each tweet, Twitter provides you with the following data: impressions, engagement and engagement rate. Take for example impressions. When you look at the impressions column, you’ll get an idea of how many times users saw this tweet on Twitter via a hashtag or on their dashboard from being posted and retweeted. Paying attention to when the tweet was posted rather than how successful it was, can help you figure out the best time to post.
  3.   Recognize what qualities led to a successful post. Was it the hashtag? The timing? The content? Between the audience demographics, content, timing, the resulting engagement and number of impressions, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to comparing them. However, when you look at your analytics, taking note of what made certain tweets successful can help you craft future ones. When you look down the columns, ask yourself the “who, what and when” questions: Who was the target audience of the tweet? What was included in the tweet? And finally, when was it posted? Recognizing these factors can help your future Twitter endeavors!


Have you used Twitter Analytics? Let us know what you learned in the comments!


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