We spend nearly forty hours a week with them. They witness our accomplishments, our downfalls and they often hold us accountable to a job well done. As I’m sure you all can guess, I’m talking about our coworkers.
You see, not only do these people play a fairly significant part in our weekly lives, but they have the ability to understand some of the challenges we face and obstacles we overcome outside of the office. However, at the same time, if we do not have peace and comradery with these people, then the office environment may get a little tense (to say the least).
So how do you build a relationship of trust with your coworkers? In the midst of so many different personalities, this can seem like quite the quest, but once you conquer it, the results will be priceless.
In the words of the great Michael Jordan, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” Although Michael Jordan might have been speaking about the game of basketball, teamwork applies to nearly every aspect of life, both on and off the court. When you’re working among a strong, cohesive group of people, you’re not only concerned about the well being of the company, but you don’t want to let your coworkers (aka: your team) down. Company culture is vital to a company’s success!
Here are three great (and inexpensive) ways your company can facilitate team bonding, ultimately leading to a unified team of people working toward a common goal of success.
- Volunteer. This costs you nothing but a little bit of your time. Not only does this help strengthen existing relationships by working together, but it creates memories. Yesterday and today, some of our Marketing Works team members spent a portion of their morning volunteering with Salvation Army. Not only does it make me feel proud to work for a company that values others, but it’s rewarding to see Marketing Works strive to live out our values (great job Marketing Works)!
- CAP2. Companies Are People, Too (CAP2) is an 84-question diagnostic assessment founded by Sandra Fekete. This provides insight into your organization’s culture and reveals how you and your coworkers can best communicate with one another. When you take this assessment, you have a better understanding of your coworkers’ personalities, stressors and strengths. Knowledge is power, and when you understand one another better, you know how to reach them, creating a healthier relationship.
- Schedule one-on-ones. From the very beginning, Marketing Works encouraged me to schedule one-on-ones with my coworkers. In just 15 minutes, I learn so much. Not only does it break the ice for any future conversations, but it helps each of us learn how to best communicate and personalize our style respectively. This has helped me prevent conflict and better yet, appreciate the unique qualities each person offers to this company. I greatly recommend this tip!
While it may seem like a challenge, a little effort and an open mind can go a long way. When there is one, unified team in the office, not only will you work happier, but you will be more motivated to serve your team well and complete a job well-done.
So now I pose the question to you! What do you do to build and strengthen your team? Please share with us in the comments.