A Short Internship With Big Possibilities

Hello! My name is Emily Fischer. I am a soon-to-be graduate at The Modern College of Design in Kettering, Ohio. When I got the opportunity to be an intern at Marketing Works, I had no idea what to expect. Little did I know that it would be such a unique and engaging experience! From the very first day, it was clear that this company has great values and a great team, which put my nerves at ease. I am so grateful that I get to further my knowledge of marketing before graduation.

When I was offered the internship I wondered if I could I really handle being an intern and a student at the same time? What could I bring to this fast-paced, professional environment? Although it’s just the beginning, I’m quickly learning I can do both.

Because of my long commute, I work both remotely and at the office. I enjoy both, but I prefer to be in the office because it feels more like a “real-world” experience.

While I am here, I am doing some design work for the team since I am a design major. I am also sitting in on meetings, meeting people in the industry, and learning some new programs. I am very excited that I get to work with such a successful company.

My goals are to:

  • Expand my knowledge of marketing – like working with clients, strategy, and tactics
  • Make connections with people that could be beneficial to know in the future
  • Help the Marketing Works team in any way I can

 Thank you, Marketing Works, for this amazing opportunity. This is an unforgettable experience.


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