An End and Beginning at Marketing Works

It is unreal how time flies! This summer is almost over, and with that ends my internship. I have learned an exuberant amount at Marketing Works in the past few months and am thankful for all the leadership and mentoring from the team. A few main takeaways I have from the summer are:

1. The immense power of LinkedIn as a business social media platform, the importance of advertising on it, promoting yourself and your business, and the amount of networking and connecting with other people.

2. The different ways to advertise on different social media platforms,what is worth an investment and what is not, and how to design an appealing post.

3. The importance of collaboration in marketing and sales. Both must be in sync for maximum sales effort and conversion.

With that, I am excited to continue working for Marketing Works while I further my education at Ohio State! I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to stay with the team. This summer has solidified that I am sold on going into Marketing. I love the diversity and, sometimes, the unpredictability of the field, not one day has been the same. Marketing combines both a collaborative and people aspect, but also a research and independent work aspect, you get the best of both worlds. I can’t wait to continue learning both in the classroom and with Marketing Works!