Better serve your clients through vendor education

Recently our account team had the opportunity to tour Press Works, a bindery and specialties vendor in Plain City, Ohio. Our long-time contact, Jim Lucas, showed us their extensive printing capabilities and taught our group about the different machinery.

We all gained a new perspective of the final design progression a collateral piece goes through. Marketing professionals can sometimes forget the entire production work must undergo. Focus occasionally revolves around the final product and not the process as a whole.

Learning about the numerous production capabilities at Press Works got our creative juices flowing. Understanding the printing process not only instilled us with a fuller appreciation, but a new sleuth of ideas. To truly cater to marketing trends it is important we stay updated on new design opportunities. Seeing original die-cut capabilities, binding options and color techniques has us excited and inspired for upcoming 2012 client projects.

The most surprising aspect of the tour was seeing that older machines are still used today due to their specialized capabilities. Even though new technologies speed up most processes the oldies but goodies still push through!

So I ask you, are you staying updated on your vendor potential? This is just one way to better serve your client needs.

Press Works Tour

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