How to be a Responsive, Responsible and Reliable Resource

During this unprecedented time, it’s understandable that business disruptions, lack of focus, anxiety and even technology overloads are wreaking havoc with even the best client/vendor relationships. While we do want in all cases, to be empathetic and extend grace to those we rely on, there is also an opportunity for you and your business to stand out as a reliable and responsible resource. 


Whether you have positive or negative information to share, it is important to share it as quickly as possible with both your team members and clients. The quicker you get information to them, the quicker they are able to respond and make any necessary changes. 

Along with this, be sure to share any updates or changes to your current policies with employees and team members. In terms of COVID-19, this could mean letting your employees know what the business is doing to protect them, such as a protective apparel policy. This could also include adjustments in methods of working, abbreviated business hours, working from home or staggering days in the office.

Closures, delays, or suspended service should be top priority when communicating with clients since they are affected just as much as your business. To continue delivering outstanding service, make updates to communications policies that won’t compromise the health and safety of the parties involved. Use technology instead of in-person meetings, limit business hours, and maybe even make adjustments in pricing to compensate for the effects the disruption has had on your clients.


One way to stand out from other businesses is the timeliness of your responses. Everyone expects answers as quickly as possible, so a fast response time shows clients you care and are always monitoring the situation. Even if you don’t know the answer, it’s best to acknowledge the question by responding immediately to let them know you’re looking into it.

Think about monitoring your email and responding outside of normal business hours as an extra resource for clients. Some information can’t, and shouldn’t, wait to be shared, so even though it may not be convenient, sending after-hours updates will go a long way with your clients and will show how much you care.


While COVID-19 continues to spread, in-person meetings should not be scheduled, and even 1-on-1 meetings could be detrimental to your health. Because technology-driven communication is key right now, this is an opportunity to reach out to clients and see if they need any help setting up technology that they may use to communicate with you or their team, customers, etc. Some good sources are Zoom or Slack. Doing this will ensure a smooth transition for everyone, especially those who may not be tech-savvy. 

Have you found a good resource for essential items, such as hand sanitizer or toilet paper? Or have you found some great small business guidance and loan resources you can share? Standing out as a reliable resource doesn’t necessarily involve a lot of extra labor. Little things your business does can have a huge impact. 


If you or anyone from your team would like to schedule a 15 minute call to brainstorm the best resource response policy for your office, contact Bill at