Marketing Works Team Member Spotlight: Sara L

Sara Lowenstein, Public Relations Coordinator, has been with us for nearly a year. While still a young professional, she’s achieved many successes and optimistically looks forward to what’s ahead in her career. Because I am new to the PR world, I asked her several questions about what she does:

What made you decide to pursue PR?

I’m a proud Ohio University E.W. Scripps School of Journalism Bobcat. Originally going with dreams of becoming aSaraLowenstein Headshot breaking news reporter, I was exposed to the ins-and-outs of journalism. This included spending many late nights throughout my tenure in the newsroom of our college newspaper. I ultimately ended up pursuing PR, with a double minor in Marketing and Health Communication, as there’s a great overlap between the two.

PR is where content is created and allows me to build on my love for fostering and maintaining relationship, whether it be with our clients or connecting with various media members. Approaching media relations from the lens of a journalist has given me a competitive advantage, as I’m always trying to think through and approach stories and content as a reporter would.

What has been your most successful initiative at Marketing Works thus far?

Sara L WSJ

I garnered a print media story about Alan Sanford, a late resident at a hospice facility of our client ViaQuest. He was such an inspiring individual with an unbelievable story. He was the soldier who shot the first shot during World War 2, and led NASA’s Apollo 13 mission. He was going to be honored and laid to rest at Arlington Cemetery around Memorial Day. As a media person, I was floored to get a story like this, as I knew it had the potential to garner some really great attention!

Making sure to tailor the pitch to the right outlet and reporter, I cold called a reporter at The Wall Street Journal. Despite not having a previous relationship with him, my pitch was a success because I spent the time making Alan Sanford’s story relevant to him and the WSJ’s readership.

Only expecting this to be an online story, which of course I was ecstatic about, the reporter dropped me a hint the next day to check out the print issue. Dropping everything I was doing at work to drive to the closest newsstand, I lost it, started jumping up and down and bought all of the copies I could get my hands on. This was my first national hit, and it was on the front page of the most read paper in the country!

In addition to media relations, you do a lot of social media work. Do you have any insights on where social media is headed?

Twitter is a growing platform because it is conversational, fast and happens in real time. Traditional news is getting beat by the channel, as Twitter continues to break news. In addition to a news source, I leverage it on a daily basis to connect with reporters, whether to see what they’re writing about or to pitch new story idea. I also love following popular hashtags and seeing what all people write about-especially popular culture references and events.

Describe how you remain so enthusiastic while working?

Anyone who knows me both personally and professionally knows I’m always a positive person. I get energy from being around other people. I’m able to come into work every day and be surrounded by my colleagues, whom I have relationships with beyond work – they’re some of my best friends and biggest mentors.

Getting results for our clients and building relationships with reporters is a challenge for me and something that continues to motivate me on a daily basis. Celebrating success, no matter how big or small, excites and drives me, whether mine of for someone else on our team.

Oh, and I always stay true to this mantra: “When in doubt, find your inner Beyoncé.”

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