Our New Intern: More Than Meets the Eye

Hello all, name is Alex Lunder, and I’m the new intern here for the next couple of months. I’m from Cleveland, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to work in a new city and with such a great group of people, as you all know they are. From starting off going to school for Physical Therapy at Cleveland State University, then not knowing what to do for a career, the past couple of years have been quite a journeyBlog Pic for me, and I never imagined seeing myself here. In Spring 2013, I had a revelation, and it was to combine two subjects I enjoy: marketing and health. Unusual combination? Maybe, but I’m excited to see where it takes me. Since I graduated with a different degree than as originally planned, and after coming across many job prospects, I’ve had difficulty finding the right place to work where my skills would actually be useful. I even turned down an incredible offer because I knew there was something better out there; I’m glad I waited.

I’ve found a place to grow into and really put my skills and interests to use. Some topics I wish to learn about in this short time are PR (obviously), social media, and healthcare marketing. With everything so transparent now, maintaining a good image to the public is crucial, so it’s important to learn and understand all of the components involved. Social media and how companies utilize it is another area I want to learn because it’s growing within the business world and is not leaving any time soon. Finally, I want to further my skills in health care marketing. This is a little different than other topics, like food and fashion, but it’s an area I’m interested in focusing on. Health is a growing field, and businesses need people with a background in it to serve them better.

“Sven the Lion” was my first ever attempt at chalk. Drawn at the annual Chalk Festival at the Cleveland Museum of Art, September 2014

With these interests in mind, I wish to be the perfect assistant to the Marketing Works team. While this isn’t a real full time job, I have to start somewhere. Being able to work with employees on projects will give me real experience and not just make me a better barista (I will be making coffee, though). Because I’m pursuing a health care-related career, I will be able to provide knowledge and insight that others simply cannot give. Having an interest in the topic at hand is beneficial not only for me, but also for everyone involved.

When I’m not working, I am all over the place when it comes to hobbies. I love art museums and try to go to a new one whenever I can. Not only that, but I am also an artist myself. I typically work with acrylics and paint nature. I am a savvy cook and am always trying new recipes. Finally, I enjoy hanging out with friends and exploring different restaurants and neighborhoods with them.

I hope this gave you a better flavor of who I am, and I am excited to begin working with the Marketing Works team!

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