What’s next in social media?

For many companies, tweeting has become an everyday occurrence and Facebook updates always seem to be on the ‘to do’ list. The evolution of social media has happened so fast, for many professionals, there is barely enough time to keep up. Networking has evolved to include social media tools, as people tweet about the latest marketing trends, blog about company’s latest success stories and share videos on Facebook and YouTube.


 This is all evidence the train of social media is not slowing down anytime soon. Now that social media has become the norm for most companies, where is the social media train heading next?

For many companies, 2009 was the year for social media to connect to their customers and key audiences.

As people continue to seek the human connection beyond the posts on their profiles, 2010 will be a crucial time for companies to use social media. In 2010 companies will use social media not only to inform but reach their clients. Social media gives companies a chance to build their client relations, more than just informing them on upcoming events and trends.


2010 will also be a year for companies to use social media as their marketing guru.  

Considering the growing number of people using some form of social media, it only makes sense to direct advertising to where your clients are. Social media provides a chance to promote your company without breaking the bank. Whether it is blogging about an upcoming event your company is having or tweeting about a new business venture, social media offers a great outlet to market your brand.


Social media has several possibilities in 2010, where will social media take your company? It is up to you!

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