Impact Statements – A Redefined Approach to Selling – Part 2

As we discussed in part 1 of this series, an impact statement is a tool your sales team should use early in the sales process to get the prospect’s attention by building rapport, trust and establishing credibility. A well-written impact statement does two things:

  1. Qualifies the prospect to see if they are a good fit for your services.
  2. Qualifies the salesperson in the prospect’s eyes.

In this second and final part of this series, we will share more about the basic framework of an effective impact statement, some impact statement examples and six steps to sell with impact.

It’s important for your sales team to engage powerfully by knowing your sales process, your product and researching the prospect. Remember, they are judging how the salesperson builds support, trust, and understanding of the prospect so your sales team should feel comfortable:

  1. Articulating the benefit you provide. Describe the challenge other customers in this industry have faced and how your solution addresses those challenges.
  2. Talking about your clients and how your product or service provides value to them.
  3. Suggesting similar benefits that are available to them as a potential opportunity, not with certainty that you can solve their specific problem – “We might be able to provide similar results for you.”
  4. Asking the prospect if he/she is willing to walk through the discovery process with you by scheduling an appointment to advance the sale.

But before a conversation is had between your sales team and your next prospect, create an impact statement. Answering these three questions can help:

  1. What do I do?
  2. How do I do it?
  3. Why is it important to them?

Here are a couple of examples of an impact statement to get your started:

Example 1: “If you’re like a lot of manufacturers we work with, you probably are looking to increase revenue over a period of time and fill the pipeline with new opportunities. We help our clients do just that by understanding where they are and where they want to go. We then design and build a process for them to execute. Would you mind if I asked you some questions about your current pipeline?”

Example 2: “If you are like many entrepreneurs, you’re concerned about a steady flow of new opportunities to keep revenue flowing at a predictable pace. We’ve done this! We do it now. We’re able to help businesses like yours because we walk in the same shoes every day and clearly understand what you’re trying to do. We have several software approaches that we have applied to build a repeatable process. I’m not sure if we can do the same thing for you, but if we can it will have a profitable impact. Do you mind if I ask you a couple questions, or would you be willing to meet with me over a cup of coffee?”

In both of these examples, you see the four components referenced above. By using such an impact statement, the sales rep can communicate a succinct and powerful message, without selling and without positioning for manipulation.

Lastly, here are six simple steps to help ensure you’re selling with impact:

  1. Beliefs – Begin with a self-assessment of your beliefs, do you have a strong belief in your abilities and do you believe in your products and services. Or are some of your beliefs holding you back?
  2. Attitude – Do you have the mind of a servant? A positive outlook and a desire to deliver great service must become a part of the services you are selling.
  3. Prepare – Know yourself and lead with your strengths. Understand and follow your company’s sales process and research your prospects before the first encounter. This will provide the confidence you need to interact freely, without attempting to manipulate and direct as you search for customer needs.
  4. Value – Develop a strong impact statement to open the call and be confident your product/service can provide a solution to your prospect’s challenges.
  5. Differentiate – Have a clear value proposition, know what makes you, your company and you’re your product unique. Prospects buy you first, then your company, and finally what you’re offering.
  6. Create – Create an experience of positive emotions by involving your prospect, being authentic, and enthusiastic about your brand.

Crafting an effective impact statement can seem overwhelming, and we’d love to help you get started! Contact our partner Tom Heinmiller at or call 614.961.0088.

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