Marketing Works and Drug Safe Worthington Celebrate the National Red Ribbon Campaign

We are happy to announce that as part of our ongoing commitment to remain socially responsible, Marketing Works recently engaged in a relationship with Drug Safe Worthington. The goal of Drug Safe Worthington is to mobilize efforts to promote a culture that prevents drug and alcohol abuse while supporting individuals and families affected by substance abuse.

Although prescription drug misuse may not be heard on the news every night, it is becoming a growing problem in our country and more specifically, the Central Ohio community. Here are a few quick facts about the impacts:

  1. One in four drug users start by abusing prescription drugs
  2. In Franklin County, drug deaths increased from 36 in 2000 to 192 in 2010
  3. In Ohio, there are more than four deaths per day from prescription drug overdoses

Many of our healthcare and workers’ compensation clients are actively involved with this epidemic. As an agency well-versed in the cause, we were excited to lend a hand to such a relevant and critical issue for the city of Worthington.

Marketing Works DSW team pic

The Marketing Works team proudly displaying a Drug Safe Worthington poster

Our team helped Drug Safe Worthington to promote their schedule of events surrounding the National Red Ribbon Campaign this October. Working together we developed promotional materials and engaged in grass-root marketing efforts to help achieve overall community-wide awareness and prompt necessary discussions about prescription drug abuse.

Our involvement in this initiative has allowed our team to grow both personally and professionally. We get to positively contribute to the community we work in everyday while also supporting an issue that our clients deal with directly.

Join us for the upcoming Red Ribbon events! Activities are scheduled from October 16 through November 1, 2013. More details can be found on Drug Safe Worthington’s website –