What does your tagline say about your culture?

I was astounded to learn that Avis’ iconic slogan, “We Try Harder” has been replaced with “It’s Your Space” in an effort to target the profitable corporate user segment.  New ads show businessmen driving Beemers, singing on their way to a meeting.  What does this have to do with motivating employees, living its values, or delivering a brand promise?  “It’s Your Space” makes a great campaign targeting a very specific audience.  But it is not a tagline. There is no manifesto written around it as there was for We Try Harder (which, incidentally was named one of the top campaigns of the 20th Century by CNBC).

The avis manifesto

What does your tagline say about your culture?  Is it motivating to employees–giving them something to act on?  Is it promising something to your customer that your entire team can deliver?  Does it align with your values?  Here are a few other great taglines that accomplish those objectives. Can you identify the company they belong to?

  • You’re in good hands
  • You deserve a break
  • Just Do It
  • Think Different
  • The Few. The Proud.
  • We bring good things to life.
  • When you care enough to send the very best.

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