energy industry

3 Ways to Keep Your Company Accountable After Going Green

Your company has recently announced to the world that it’s going green, good for you! It’s great that your business is working to instill a sense of environmentalism and conservation. Companies that went green in 2013 include Google, Unilever and Sprint-Nextel, so you’re in good company.  So now that you’ve gone green, what comes next?

3 Ways to Keep Your Company Accountable After Going Green Learn More »

3 Ways Messaging in the Energy Industry is Shifting

The energy industry reaches a wide audience of businesses and consumers, and its messaging should accurately reflect what’s important to the different audiences. Speaking to your audience in a way that encourages trust is crucial. And that includes understanding what they want to know. So as the interests and activities of your audience shifts, how

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3 Tips on Maintaining Transparency in the Energy Industry

The high-profile nature of the energy industry lends itself to extensive media coverage. From negative to positive news, staying up-to-date with what’s written about your company can seem like a daunting task. But don’t feel as if your public image is completely out of your control. You can help maintain a trustworthy persona by demonstrating

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Client Spotlight: Moody and Associates, Inc. Statement of Qualifications

Moody and Associates, Inc. has been offering clients environmental and groundwater services for over 120 years. With a team of professional geologists and senior scientists, they have maintained their position as an industry leader through their vast experience and expertise. So when Moody needed a better way to show clients and prospects their capabilities in

Client Spotlight: Moody and Associates, Inc. Statement of Qualifications Learn More »

3 Important Elements Your Statement of Qualifications Needs

Your unique position in the ever-evolving energy industry depends on how you communicate your expertise and experience. To effectively portray your credibility and capabilities to potential clients, a statement of qualifications (SOQ) is essential and characteristically expected. When producers look to identify a new partner they typically seek information on experience, capacity, personnel, current activity

3 Important Elements Your Statement of Qualifications Needs Learn More »

3 Reasons Why Energy Industry Companies Should Use Microsites

When attracting new cliental in the energy industry, offering an incentive to diversify your company from the competition can be a great way to gain attention. Combine that with a strong benefit, and turn prospects into clients. It is vital, however, to communicate that benefit and differentiator to potential clients in a way that is

3 Reasons Why Energy Industry Companies Should Use Microsites Learn More »

4 Key Insights for Service Providers in the Oil & Gas Industry

Attracting oil and gas companies to your business hinges upon your reputation.  That is one of the observations that came out of research Marketing Works recently completed. Crafting your message begins with finding out what matters most to your audience. Potential business prospects vary upon different needs and challenges, so it is important to position

4 Key Insights for Service Providers in the Oil & Gas Industry Learn More »

Strategic Planning for a Successful Public Awareness Campaign

The energy industry, comprised of renewable, solar power, sustainable and solar and wind power, is constantly changing and developing. Public support continues to have a major impact in generating movements and staying relevant within the market. In a time of financial pressures and tough market conditions, renewable energy in particular relies on awareness to sustain.

Strategic Planning for a Successful Public Awareness Campaign Learn More »

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