Marketing Works

Thanksgiving is…

… spending time with family, cooking and enjoying a home-made meal. It is Snoopy flying high above the streets of New York during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.  Thanksgiving is watching football all day long regardless of what team is playing. It is devising a shopping strategy for the upcoming holiday season and most importantly, […]

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Busyness as Usual

Why is a work life balance important? One reason: in a study of 46,000 workers, health care costs were 147% higher in workers who were stressed or depressed1. A second reason: several studies now suggest that job-related stress is as great a threat to health as smoking or not exercising2. Unbelievable, right? Well, believe it.

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‘Tis the season

The holiday season rolls around every year, bringing friends and family together. It is a time to count our blessings, share what we are thankful for and appreciate all those special people in our lives. At Marketing Works, the holidays are always a time for reflection about what’s most important to us – our relationships

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