social media marketing

4 Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media in Healthcare

Social media is a great tool for marketers to leverage for their clients, especially in the healthcare industry where social media platforms are changing the ways of patient interaction. A Pew Internet and American Life Project study found that 72 percent of internet users say they look for health information online. Even healthcare leaders are

4 Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media in Healthcare Learn More »

Social Media ROI Part One: The Value of Creation

Business owners often question the “point” of social media, in other words, “how is social media contributing to sales or increasing our ROI?” This is where the purpose of a social media strategy gets lost. You must interact before you sell. For businesses, social media is a communication method meant to build community, influence, and

Social Media ROI Part One: The Value of Creation Learn More »

4 Social Media Marketing Dont’s For Businesses

It’s no secret social media is an effective marketing tool. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or now Pinterest even, companies large and small have realized social media’s power in reaching potential and existing customers. Not all companies utilize social media effectively, though. There are a number of bad habits businesses should abstain from in the social

4 Social Media Marketing Dont’s For Businesses Learn More »